Location - https://www.inc.com/private-titans/2020.html Industry - Private Companies
Inc. teamed with PrivCo to create an exclusive roster of the 1,000 biggest and brightest American companies that have stayed private.
Industry Type - Different type of Industry
Location - https://www.moneyworks4me.com/best-index/nse-stocks/top-nifty50-companies-list/
Industry Type - Different type of Industry
Location - https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/marketstats/marketcap-,pageno-20,pid-61,sortby-companyName,sortorder-desc,year-2020.cms
Industry Type - Public companies.
Location - https://www.inc.com/magazine/19830501/8468.html
Industry Type - Different type of Industry
Location - https://fortune.com/fortune500/2020/search/
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